Why is Weymouth Primary School is special.
Because it has animals but they kinda stink. They have chickens, pigs and bees and they make honey.
They also make fruit and vegetables and food and they keep our animals healthy. They also keep our school clean because we have eco warriors and they keep our garden clean.
Our school accepts every culture and supports us all.us kids are very kind and the teachers will help u find friends as well as the kids.
We have safe sand fun parks 1 for the moana team 1 for the papa team and 1 for the manga and range team.
Our teams are moana team which is for the little kids and the te awa team is for year 2 and 3 and the papa team is for year 3 and 4 and the manga and ranga is for the year 5 and 6.
We have sports like basketball and netball and more but what i like the most is the park.We have great people and that’s why i think you should come to Weymouth Primary School
On lunch we have activities u can do we have board games in Rm 22 and u can go in the garden and pet the pigs and sometimes we have sports.
That’s why I think Wps is a good school for your kid.
Made by Maryjane Rm 14.